Writing Seminar 4: Visualization of Powerful Words

Mar 2, 2021

Facilitated by Caleb and Talia


Some powerful words are difficult to visualize. This is due to some of them being adjectives or intangible nouns. They need to be depicted symbolically instead of as a literal representation. However, sometimes these images are abstract so they still do not convey the meaning of the words perfectly.

The images above are examples of drawings that represent powerful words chosen during Reading Seminar 4. I chose the words fate, existence, and freedom which I felt were easier to represent with graphics. Examples of words that I felt would be extremely difficult to represent in an understandable drawing are design, quaint, vital, and vast. A person’s representations of these words according to their idea of the words might seem clear and obvious to them, but completely confusing to someone else. It all depends on your perspective.

